National Contributor empowers FURTHER IMPACT entrepreneurs


National Contributor is our positive impact platform, encouraging team members to explore commercial opportunities through a purpose-driven lens. The strategic theme within National Contributor centres around sustainable growth practices that prioritise inclusion and collaboration with clients and like-minded stakeholders.


Our purpose-driven approach


National Contributor and FURTHER IMPACT have entered into a collaboration agreement with the aim of co-creating impactful solutions contributing to a thriving, equitable, inclusive, sustainable South Africa that is aligned to Nedbank’s purpose.


Support services for impact entrepreneurs


Our collaborative efforts have already yielded remarkable results. On Friday, 23 February 2024, we proudly inaugurated the Kick Off programme, aimed at empowering 16 impact entrepreneurs from FURTHER IMPACT. This initiative equips these visionaries with the necessary resources and skills to establish and nurture enterprises that not only address pressing socioeconomic challenges, but also ensure long-term viability and success.


The Kick Off programme


The Kick Off programme offers a comprehensive suite of support services, including the following:

  • Tailored business development guidance.
  • Mentorship from seasoned industry experts.
  • Opportunities for fostering meaningful connections.
  • Essential financial education and guidance.
  • Strategic marketing assistance.
  • Access to legal services.
  • Networking platforms.
  • Access to key markets and opportunities.


Critical sectors represented


Our cohort of impact entrepreneurs represents an array of sectors critical to the advancement of our society, including the following:

  • Water and sanitation.
  • Renewable energy.
  • Healthcare.
  • Food security.
  • Education.
  • Manufacturing.
  • Arts and culture.


Through our collaboration with FURTHER IMPACT, National Contributor reaffirms its unwavering commitment to driving positive change and fostering sustainable growth. Together, we celebrate the collective strides made thus far and remain steadfast in our dedication to empowering individuals to create lasting impact in our communities and beyond.

Join us as we pioneer a future defined by purpose, innovation, and transformative impact.